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OpenAI’s ChatGPT Tool Under Scrutiny: BBC News Reveals Potential for Cyber-Crime Exploitation

OpenAI’s ChatGPT Tool Under Scrutiny: BBC News Reveals Potential for Cyber-Crime Exploitation

The potential for abuse of the ChatGPT tool has been highlighted in a BBC News investigation. The feature, designed by OpenAI to enable users to easily create their own AI assistants, has the potential for misuse in cyber-crime activities. This tool, which requires no coding or programming skills, allows users to craft text for various scam and hacking techniques in multiple languages within seconds. While the public version of ChatGPT restricts certain content creation, a customized version named Crafty Emails was found capable of generating highly convincing scam-related content, sometimes with disclaimers about the unethical nature of scam techniques. In response to concerns raised, OpenAI stated they are continually working on enhancing safety measures to prevent malicious use of their tools. They aim to implement measures to safeguard against the abuse of their systems. Despite promises to review and prevent fraudulent activities using their GPT Builder tool, experts believe that OpenAI may not be moderating custom GPTs with the same level of scrutiny as the public versions. This leniency could potentially provide cutting-edge AI capabilities to criminals.

Tests where Crafty Emails successfully generated content for various scam techniques like the ‘Hi Mum’ text, Nigerian-prince email, ‘Smishing’ text, crypto-giveaway scam, and spear-phishing email. In contrast, the regular ChatGPT refused to create such content, citing moderation alerts. Cyber-security experts like Jamie Moles and Javvad Malik have raised concerns about the potential misuse of AI in cyber-crime, emphasizing the need for stringent measures to prevent criminals from exploiting advanced AI models like those provided by OpenAI. The concern extends beyond OpenAI, as evidence suggests scammers worldwide are utilizing large language models to overcome language barriers and create more convincing scams. The existence and use of models like WolfGPT, FraudBard, and WormGPT are indicative of this trend. While OpenAI has a track record of implementing robust security measures, the effectiveness of their strategies in controlling the misuse of custom GPTs remains uncertain.


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