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Meta to soon launch web version of Threads in race with X for users

Meta to soon launch web version of Threads in race with X for users

On August 20, according to Reuters, Meta Platforms, previously known as Facebook, is preparing to introduce the web version of its novel text-centric social media platform, Threads. This strategic move is aimed at gaining a competitive edge over X, formerly recognized as Twitter, as the initial surge in Threads’ user base starts to taper off.

The upcoming launch of Threads’ web version, which has been widely anticipated, is expected to enhance the platform’s utility for power users such as brands, company accounts, advertisers, and journalists. This move indicates Meta’s intent to cater to a broader spectrum of users, capitalizing on the platform’s text-focused approach.

Although Meta has not provided a specific launch date, Adam Mosseri, the head of Instagram, a subsidiary of Meta, hinted at an imminent launch. In a recent post on Threads, Mosseri stated, “We are close on the web…” This launch might occur as early as this week, as per a report by the Wall Street Journal.

Threads, originally introduced as an app for Android and iOS devices on July 5, experienced an impressive surge in popularity, amassing 100 million users within just five days of its debut. However, this initial fervor dwindled as users gradually reverted to the familiarity of X (formerly Twitter) after the initial curiosity surrounding Meta’s new offering wore off.

Within slightly over a month since its release, the daily active user count for Threads’ Android app witnessed a notable decline from its peak of 49.3 million to 10.3 million, as reported by analytics platform Similarweb in a report dated August 10. In response to this trend, Meta’s management is rapidly innovating by introducing new features to maintain user engagement.

Among the recently implemented features, Threads now permits users to set up post notifications for specific accounts, enabling them to stay updated on relevant content. Additionally, the platform has introduced a chronological feed, allowing users to view posts in the order they were published. Furthermore, Meta is on the brink of launching an enhanced search functionality for Threads, potentially enabling users to search for specific posts rather than just user accounts.

Meta Platforms is poised to introduce the web version of Threads, its unique text-centric social media platform, with the aim of reclaiming user attention and competing against its rivals. Despite an initial surge in popularity, Threads experienced a decline in daily active users, prompting Meta to swiftly introduce new features, such as post notifications and an improved search feature, to enhance the platform’s appeal and functionality.


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